Wednesday, August 7, 2013

My Life As A Tupperware Consultant

    My name is Shanice Newsome and I am a Tupperware Independent Sales Consultant. My life as an Consultant has been a great experience and opportunity for me. I have the opportunity to meet new people and make new friends. I also have the chance to start my own business and do a job that I enjoy doing. I can manage working from home and still be able to be home with my family. Tupperware has really changed my life and I believe it will change the "lives of others." To be an Independent Sales Consultant you can work your full time job when and where ever you want. You make your own schedule and you can run your own business the way you want to.
   Tupperware is a company that allows you to sell products to people who just love to have them in their homes. Their products are made for people of all ages and they are items that people can really use. Our company is a very friendly company and we work really hard to make our customers very happy. We all work as a team and we all make everything happen together. Even when times get's hard we all come together and work out all of our problems together.
   With Tupperware we have staff meetings and most importantly we love to party. Our Tupperware Parties are the greatest and our customers just love to come to our parties. We laugh, we sing and we just have fun selling Tupperware. I believe that anyone who becomes a Tupperware Independent Consultant will be able to fulfill their dreams and will become very happy. I am a proud Consultant and I couldn't ask for anything more. I believe that anyone who joins our team will love our company.
    I have created this blog to show the world who we are and what we are about. I want them to know that Tupperware does exist and we work really hard to make everyone's dreams come true. I would like to thank everyone who views my blog and I hope that one day I can make your dreams come true as well.To learn more about my Tupperware Online Store you can catch me on FB, Follow me on twitter and I will give you the latest updates about our products.

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